My business partner Pat Whitcomb started up Stat-Ease as a business entity in 1982,* but he did not incorporate it until June of 1985. So that brings us to 25 years as a Corporation this coming month. This is quite an achievement for a software publisher – not many remain since 1985, I’ll wager, especially ones so specialized as us. That’s our saving grace, I figure – sticking to a niche like a clam in a wave-beaten hollow.
According to this report on U.S. Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy statistics from September 2009, only half of all startups survive five years. This correlates with a decay curve posted by Scott Shanem Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies at Case Western Reserve University, which shows that only about a quarter of companies remain alive after ten years.
I’d say we’ve done very well to make it this far. Having weathered the recent economic downturn in good shape, I feel positive about continuing on for at least a few years more.
PS. If you’re interested to learn more about us, check out this history of Stat-Ease.
*The year the word “internet” was used for the first time according to this timeline. Check out these photos from the 1980’s by the Computer History Museum, especially the Osborne “portable” (24 pounds!) PC with a screen that looks about the size of today’s internet-enabled smart phones.