Lightening up the load on birds and bees

My former neighbor Phil–a bee-keeper–told me he loaded up too many hives in his truck on a run to California and it went over-weight for the regulations on the road home.  However, Phil beat the highway inspectors by banging on the side with a hammer as he drove onto the scale. The bees flew up in the air and took down the measurement just enough for a pass–avoiding a hefty fine.

I always wondered if Phil was ‘bee-essing’ me, but a recent study by a Stanford scientist, reported here by NewScientist, indicates that this trick might be bang on. The only catches are that the flyers (in this case Pacific parrotlets, must flap in synch and the weight must be taken on the upstroke.  This whole idea would backfire badly on the downstroke when the weight of the flyers comes back double.

Bee-leave it or not.

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