Bubbly graphs make statistics delightful

Check out this link* to an interview by Fareed Zakaria of “gap minder” Hans Rosling.  This Swedish statistician, with a focus on global health, uses dynamic bubble graphs to dramatize world developments that are closing the gap to USA’s lead in well-being.

It really is mesmerizing to see Rosling dramatize statistics via his moving graphs.  See his recent hour-long BBC special “The Joy of Stats” at this GapMinder website. You will find it very entertaining and enlightening, I am sure.

“I kid you not – statistics is now the sexiest subject around.”

–          Hans Rosling

Fortunately for all of us, Google bought the technology for these motion charts to make them widely available.  For example, fiddle with the graph correlating life expectancy and fertility at this Google Labs’ Public Data Explorer posting.

Who would have ever thought that statistics could be so much fun!

*Thanks to Paul Sheldon, an independent consultant specializing in quality and productivity tools,  who provided me the heads-up.


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Beware of 5th poly mole!

I found it amusing that, when forced to try modeling my weight data (see previous blog), my DOE software recommended a fifth order polynomial* model!   That’s a bit more ‘tayloring’ (Ha ha – inside joke) than I really needed. In fact, just to show how silly this is (5th order!) I offer the following scenario as a cautionary tale. Perhaps it may help to dissuade others who make similarly nonsensical models from what is really just (naturally) randomly generated data.

Looking forward to a work/vacation trip to Tampa in late March (I really will be going there, I am happy to say!), let’s pretend that I use this fifth-order model to help me decide whether to bring a swimming suit. Hmmm, extrapolating out to day 75, when I finish my conference and head for the Gulf shore, the over-fitted model (really should just use the mean!) predicts that by then I will balloon to nearly 100 pounds over my norm. In this case I may easily be mistaken for a beached whale!

It’s just not right to apply model-fitting tools to what is not a DOE, but rather simply a process run-out at steady-state conditions.  Extrapolation makes this even more dangerous by far.  See the graph for a case in point.

*(A math-phobic person I am acquainted with, whom I will not identify, mockingly refers to these equations as “poly moles” — hence my title for this blog.)


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“Welcome, Body Mass seeker”

This is the greeting from Steve Halls, MD, at his web weight-calculator.  After a fair amount of searching on the internet, I found this site on body-mass the easiest to use and informative.  However, I cannot speak on its accuracy.  I will only admit that it provided far less scary news (and realistic, I feel) about my own weight than other websites giving advice on this vital subject.

According to the “updated hall.md v2” standards, I am “marginally overweight” at the 53rd percentile of other American males at my age and height.  As we like to say in Minnesota, this could be worse, so it’s not so bad.

Discussing what should be the “ideal” weight would take up a great deal of time and energy: Never mind that.  What I want to do is focus on monitoring weight.  For example, I just completed the pictured outlier-detecting run-chart* on my 20 weighings** thus far this year.  Notice that none of the results fall outside of the 95 percent confidence limits.

Even so, after I penciled in my number for the highlighted point, my wife hassled me a bit about going overweight when she saw .  I predicted that she would see a regression to the mean, which didn’t impress her one bit.  Nevertheless, the value of being patient by charting data over a period of time can be seen in this instance – it vindicates me not reacting to one result.

Coincidentally, our contract trainer Doug Hubbell came to Minneapolis for our new Advanced Formulations workshop.  He is the author of a handbook for managers seeking quality improvement (Managing for Profits – to be published soon).  Doug is a plain-talking straight-shooter who rifles in on what’s needed to stop chronic manufacturing waste.  Charting is a powerful part of his arsenal of quality tools.  His reaction to me mentioning my monitoring of weight was “I hope you do not expect this chart to help you lose pounds.”  Naturally I wouldn’t admit to that, but, honestly, it did cross my (hopeful!) mind.  However, I am mainly just trying to track a very gradual increase of about 1 pound per year since my high-school graduation, when I was in the best shape of my life.

The battle against the bulge continues…

*Using Design-Expert® software’s diagnostics tools.  I focused on a chart that deletes each point before calculating its deviation in terms of standard deviation, which makes it more sensitive to statistical outliers.  For details, see this Wikipedia entry on Studentized residual (it explains internal and external methods).

**Done with a new bathroom scale that I really like – this Precision Digital model by EatSmart.


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Fun graphs and charts on names: How popular is yours and where is it populated?

My latest issue of National Geographic came with this fascinating mapping of population by surname.  Seeing “Anderson” looming large over Minnesota did not surprise me, but I didn’t realize how many of us “snow birds” had permanently escaped to California.  Take a look and see if you can locate any of you long-lost wander-kin around the USA.

The Junk Charts blog, one of my favorites, gave a generally favorable review of the “Nat-Geo” name chart, but they recommended an even-better one – the Baby Name Wizard, which plots the popularity of first names over the last 130 years. 

I am expecting my first grandchild this summer, so there’s been lots of talks about names lately, thus this statistical chart caught my eye.  You, too, may find it interesting. I suggest you start by hovering mouse over the widest streams (blue for boy, pink for girl) at the left (John, Mary, etc)* and then see how their popularity changes over the past 130 years.  A tip: Click the graph to see trends for any given name, or enter it directly.  Press “x” to get out of any specific name field (or type in another).  I typed in my name and saw an explosion of popularity in mid-20th century, but now it’s fading away.  The same holds true for my sister Nancy and my wife Karen – we all get tagged as baby-boomers straight away.

If you think there’s any chance of your name ranking in the top 1,000 for popularity in the USA at any time since 1880, type it in.  How do you do, _______ (<= name here)?


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Self-proclaimed lottery expert advises gamblers to never pick numbers that won before

Recently I heard a local talk-show host interview Richard Lustig, author of Learn How to Increase Your Chances of Winning the Lottery.*  His first suggestion was to never pick a number that won a prior lottery drawing.  That led to lots of discussion by callers – mostly skeptical.  Evidently this belief that previously non-winning numbers become “due” is widespread, so much so that it’s become known as the gamblers fallacy.

“Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.”

–          Ambrose Bierce

PS. Did you hear about the wannabe-winner of the lottery who prayed and prayed and prayed to hit the jackpot.  Finally an exasperated God responded with this request: “Could you at least just buy one ticket?”

*This paperback book lists for $40 on Amazon, but I will not provide the link because I do not recommend it.  However, you may find it amusing to read the customer reviews.

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Grade A for long-term health prognosis

I took a high-school classmate out to lunch today for his birthday.  Now in his late 50s, my friend has aged well – evidently as healthy as can be.  Being that he graduated 6th in our class, my buddy’s exceptional fitness of body and mind fits a profile of well-being that’s characteristic of individuals who excelled academically, according to this report by the New York Times.   In a nutshell, a long-term longitudinal study of over 10,000 aging students found that, by their early 60s, those near the top of their class were half as likely to report declines in health than their academically-inferior peers. It seems that the studs for studying end up being a lot heartier than the partyers.

“Academic performance is strongly linked to health in later life.”

–          Pamela Herd, associate professor of public affairs and sociology at the University of Wisconsin in Madison and study-author of Education and Health in Late-life among High School Graduates

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KISMIF approach hits the spot for communications specialist

As all of you must know by now, I like to keep it simple and make it fun (KISMIF) when explaining how use statistical tools.  That made me a natural fit for joining up with our founding principal Pat Whitcomb in 1988.  After all, he named the company Stat-Ease and made its slogan “Statistics Made Easy” – leaving me the “fun” part (him having already made things easy!). 🙂

Every now and then this KISMIF approach hits the spot, such as it did with Lara Marlin Hull, a Marketing and Social Media Consultant at Red Funnel Consulting.   Before becoming a communications specialist, Lara worked for a number of years as a research scientist in the pharmaceutical industry – just the sort of person that we aim to please.   As you can see in her January 19 blog for How to Sell Scientists (Does Your Newsletter Grab Scientists’ Attention? Here’s One that Does ), Lara and her scientist friend really liked my latest article for our newsletter, which details a fun kitchen experiment* by my son Hank.   She passes along this interesting insight: “People forget that scientists are people too.”

I am reminded of a time early in the days of Stat-Ease when I put together a survey of our software users.  Wanting to incent responses, I suggested to Pat and our programmer Tryg that we consider offering a free pen.  They both scoffed at the idea of a technical professional being swayed by “swag” (that is, a bribe!), going so far as to say that such a gift would create insult and cause less of a return!   My reaction was that “experimenters are people too!”  Putting our own tools to practice, I then split up our user list at random and sent only half the offer for the free pen.  Believe it or not, these lucky ones responded at a significantly higher rate with completed surveys.

If people don’t have a good sense of humor, they are not very good scientists either.

–          Nobel prize-winning physicist Andre Geim

PS.  Ms. Hull followed up her initial accolade for the Stat-Ease “Statistics Made Easy” approach with further praise (The Secret Product Your Customers Want) for the way our Stat-Ease home page invites browsers needing immediate help.   It is wonderful to receive unsolicited third-party endorsements like this, even though it’s not for our products and services per se, but, rather, how we go about doing our business.

*”Tumbler Rumbles with a Mugger,” December 2010 Stat-Teaser

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Kitchen pantry science – fun experiments to do at home

Several months ago I watched a neat demonstration by kitchen-pantry scientist Liz Heinecke on how to write secret messages.  All you need are cranberries, water, baking soda and some paper as detailed here.  Liz, a mother of three, provides many fun experiments (“simple recipes for real science”) to try at home.  I think it’s a great way to get kids interested in science.  However, be forewarned, she’s got a masters degree in bacteriology so some of her ideas might grow on you. ; )

This reminded me of a parent who worked as a microbiologist for the FDA. She did a show-and-tell for a Cub Scout den that I led 20 years ago.  One of her items collected from FDA was a can of vichyssoise (leek-potato-onion soup traditionally served cold).  It had been tested positive for botulism.  We were told that if opened, this container of bacteria could sicken all of the inhabitants of New York City.  After hearing this, I vowed to always boil canned soup.

Science can be as easy as baking.  I want to encourage parents to open up their kitchen cabinets, stir up some science with their kids, and feed those hungry minds.

— Liz Heinecke, kitchen-pantry scientist


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Statistics-driven scientific methods slammed again

This December 13 article published by The New Yorker adds fuel to fire for deemphasizing significance testing as the criterion for accepting purported advancements in science.  It’s well worth reading for anyone with a stake in statistics, despite raking over the same coals seen in this March 27 Science News article, which I discussed in a previous blog.*

“A lot of extraordinary scientific data are nothing but noise.”

– Jonah Lehrer, author of “The Truth Wears Off: Is there something wrong with the scientific method”

Evidently much of the bad science stems from “significance-chasers” – those who hunt out findings that pass the generally-accepted p-value of 5% for hypothesis testing.  Unfortunately a statistically-significant outcome from an badly-designed experiment is of no value whatsoever.

PS. I credit blogger William Briggs for bringing this article to my attention.  His attitude is provided succinctly by this assertion: “Scientists are too damn certain of themselves.”

*Misuse of statistics calls into question the credibility of science March 28, 2010.


Favorite posts from three rings in the 2010 carnival of management blogs

For this year’s Annual Management Improvement Blog Carnival, hosted by John Hunter,* I am picking the best posts from three blogs:

  • Seth Godin’s Blog (this fellow is a real character — very stimulating!)
  • Lean is Good (focus on statistical guru W. Edwards Deming appeals to me)
  • Flowing Data (theme is “visualization and statistics”: graphs and numbers — what a wonderful combo!)

See us hosts and the blogs we’ve chosen to review at this site coordinated by John.

Seth Godin has much to offer for entrepreneurs and professional workers trying to contend with this increasingly high-tech world.  This past year Godin published the very timely book Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? .  The 2010 blog from Seth Grodin that stands out for me is:

  • The Levy flight, which provides the mathematical-underpinning for foraging behavior by animals and humans – seeking sustenance in the form of food and information; respectively.  Sharks hunt by this random method punctuated by long forays in a particular direction as reported here by Discovery News.  Browsers of internet presumably behave in a similar manner – occasionally delving deeply into a given website.  Knowing this, model-builders can provide more accurate simulations of consumer behavior.  Grodin is astute to recognize this.

My pick from last year’s Lean is Good blog is this one written by Bryan Zeigler:

  • Goalpost Quality – Taguchi Losses and SPC provides a simple, but compelling vision for improving quality – think of your specification range as “V” – not a goal post.  From my years working on manufacturing improvement, I can attest to the corrosive nature of settling for output that squeaks by the customer requirements.

Of the three blogs featured here, my favorite by far is Flowing Data, written by UCLA Statistics graduate student Nathan Yau.  The charts it presents can be truly amazing, such as this one that details the extremely-fascinating 2010 movie Inception.  However, here’s my favorite chart presented by Flowing Data this past year:

  • Where Bars Trump Grocery Stores highlights Wisconsin as the place to party hearty.  Being just over the border in a State that’s bonkers against beer,** I say thank goodness for more liberality about liquor.  The graphic tells the story.

That’s it for this year’s best of the Carnival of management blogs that I sampled.  Take a Levy Flight for yourself and see if you can hunt out one that strikes your fancy.

*For background on John Hunter and his Carnival, see this post from last year

** See this blog by Andrew Zimmern about Stupid Beer Laws in Minnesota

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