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Skepticism versus cynicism about science experiments

Eric Felten’s latest “De Gustibus” column in Wall Street Journal reports New Episodes of Scientists Behaving Badly.  It details various scandals, for example the retraction of a landmark publication linking autism to childhood vaccines.  This creates a great deal of cynicism such as that expressed by this parent of a kid she helped on a science project:

“The experiments never turned out the way they were supposed to, and so we were always having to fudge the results so that the projects wouldn’t be screwy.  I always felt guilty about that dishonesty, but now I feel like we were doing real science.”


Coincidentally, Stat-Ease received an email from someone who goes by the pen-name “The Pyrrhonist.”  (I see a trend here:  I need to work on a scholarly-sounding moniker.)  While researching pyrrhonism, I came across this skeptical quote by a Greek named Carneades who set the stage for his countryman Pyrrho:

“Nothing can be known, not even this.”

That’s tough to get around!

I truly believe that some degree of skepticism is healthy, such as judicious use of the null hypothesis for assessing the outcome of experiments.  However, it’s not good for experimenters to abandon all standards by succumbing to an attitude of scornful or jaded negativity, especially a general distrust of the integrity or professed motives of others – the definition of cynicism (according to the Free Dictionary).

So, be skeptical, but not cynical.

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